Do you have an important audition coming up? Or are you tired of audition rejections bringing you down time and time again? As a seasoned professional musician, I want to help you walk into your next audition feeling fearless, prepared, and excited to knock it out of the park. Auditioning is more than just performing your music; it is a strategic game that requires confidence, planning, flexibility, and a knowledge of the intricate process. With my programs and proven strategies, I will guide you through the details of audition preparation beyond the notes, equipping you with the tools necessary to showcase your talent and leave a lasting impression on the judges. Let me help you transform your audition experiences so your playing shines beyond the veil of the audition process.

My programs include:

  • Stress management, Mindset coaching, Flexibility training, and Imagery practice

  • Application Preparation, including resume/CV, essays, etc.

  • Pre-screening Recording Planning

  • Repertoire and Schedule Strategy

  • Communication Strategies and Emails Writing

  • Practical Day-of Audition Action Plan

About me

I am a full-time professor of cello at New World School of the Arts in Miami and enjoy a career full of a wide range of performing. I have played in venues from Carnegie Hall to ice cream shops and have performed, taught, and presented across North America and Europe. I have a Ph.D. in Music Performance from NYU. For over a decade, I have been engaged in biofeedback and long-distance triathlons, both of which have shown me the importance of mental preparation in controlling our physical body during moments of high stress. I have helped students gain admission to schools including Juilliard, Boston Conservatory, Manhattan School of Music, the University of Florida and more, with partial-to-full scholarships or paid graduate assistantships.


Dr. Hayslett was incredibly attentive and always present to give his full support. He has an effective method of preparation and focus on how to present your best when the audition time comes. His program boosted my confidence and practice organization for any upcoming auditions.

Let’s Work Together

Book your free 30-minute consultation today to discuss your needs and how I could help. Let’s chat about your School or Professional Auditions and put together a plan to help you prepare for your big event.


School Auditions (Undergraduate, Master’s, Doctorate, Diploma)

  • Comprehensive Program - 13.5 hours together with text/phone support - $900

    • Initial school research (2 hours split as needed)

    • Application preparation (4 hours split as needed)

    • Coaching Meetings via Zoom or in-person (10 meetings, 45 minutes each)

    • On-call support on audition days via text, call, or FaceTime

  • Strategies Program - 7.5 hours together - $600

    • Coaching Meetings via Zoom or in-person (10 meetings, 45 minutes each)

  • Flexible Consultations - 2.5 hour minimum at $95 per hour

Professional Auditions (Teaching Jobs, Orchestra Positions, Competitions)

  • Comprehensive Program - 11.5 hours together with text/phone support - $800

    • Application preparation with resume/CV, teaching and diversity statements, etc. (4 hours split as needed)

    • Coaching Meetings via Zoom or in-person (10 meetings, 45 minutes each)

    • On-call support on audition days via text, call, or FaceTime

  • Strategy Program - 6 hours together - $450

    • Coaching Meetings via Zoom or in-person (8 meetings, 45 minutes each)

  • Flexible Consultation - 2.5 hour minimum at $95 per hour